SPC’s Carbon Fiber Composite Bars Applied to Seawall Engineering

Recently, the carbon fiber composite bars independently developed and produced by SPC Advanced Material Innovation Research Institute has completed formwork processing and concrete pouring, and has been successfully applied in the project of SPC seawall safety hazard control. This is the first application of SPC's carbon fiber in seawall engineering project, with a total of 1,250 meters of composite bars, which is of great significance to further expand the application of carbon fiber in the field of civil engineering.
As the raw material of construction, the carbon fiber composite bars developed and produced by SPC has the properties of light weight, high strength and corrosion resistance. Its strength is 8 to 15 times of that of ordinary steel, and its specific gravity is only one fifth of that of steel, with ultra-high specific strength and modulus. In the practical application process, the carbon fiber composite bars can effectively solve the corrosion and aging problems caused by seawater infiltration and bad weather. In addition, from the perspective of the whole life cycle, it is estimated that using carbon fiber composite bars to reinforce profiles can not only save energy consumption and reduce carbon emissions, but also save more than 20% of the construction cost, with significant environmental and economic benefits.
