Public Welfare​​​​​

It is the duty of enterprises to serve the society. While expanding the scale of production and operation and providing high-quality products to the community, SPC has conscientiously fulfilled its social responsibilities, vigorously supported public welfare and charity undertakings, and promoted local economic and social development, strive to promote the sustainable development of enterprises, society and environment. Since 2005, the Company has been awarded the title of “National Civilized Unit”for six consecutive times.​

Since the establishment of the "Sky Star" Volunteer Service Team in 1996, SPC has always been adhering to the volunteer spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress", constantly explored and improved the volunteer organization and management mechanism, and actively improved the service quality around the goal of "serving enterprises, community and school". By the end of 2020, there were a total of 4,321 volunteers in the Company whom to actively participate in volunteer service of the territory and enterprises, innovative volunteer service, create a strong atmosphere of volunteer service that make efforts to build the spiritual civilization construction brand of the Company. SPC has been unanimously praised by the community.

At the beginning of 2020, after the COVID-19 outbreak, SPC gave full play to its own advantages and only took 12 days to urgently develop and switch to special materials for mask meltblown cloth material. In addition, SPC also organized more than 600 employees to donate blood to combat the epidemic, donated more than 4,000 N95 masks and 20 infrared thermometers to the Jinshan District, and organized more than 10,000 Young Party members and Party members to carry out volunteer services in surrounding communities and G15 high-speed (Shanghai to Zhe Jiang City) crossings. There were 3,187 Party members of the Company whom generously donated a total of 627,421 yuan to fight the epidemic.

SPC’s employees are enthusiastic about the humanitarian emergencies. So far, more than 1,700 employees have joined the Shanghai Bone Marrow Bank. Between 2006 and 2020, six employees successfully donated hematopoietic stem cells to the patient.

The company has also enthusiastically participated in public welfare undertakings and taken the initiative to undertake social responsibilities through effective means such as youth volunteer service, urban-rural twinning and support, signing a joint construction agreement with Jinshan District to promote common development of the two sides that it give back to society and the people.​
